Source code for neutralocean.grid.graph

import numpy as np
import numba as nb

from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix, find, triu, issparse
from scipy.linalg import issymmetric

[docs]@nb.njit def graph_binary_fcn(edges, nodevals, binary_fcn): """ Apply a binary function to all pairs of data for all pairs of adjacent nodes in a graph specified by a sparse COO matrix. Parameters ---------- edges : 2D array of int of shape `(2, E)` The edges in a graph whose nodes are labelled `0, ..., N-1`. Denoting `a = edges[0]` and `b = edges[1]`, - the nodes labelled `a[i]` and `b[i]` are adjacent, for `0 <= i <= E-1` - must have `0 <= a[i], b[i] <= N-1` for `0 <= i <= E-1`, so `edges` is referring to valid nodes. nodevals : array-like values at the nodes in a graph binary_fcn : function A `numba.njit` function accepting two numbers and returning one number. Notes ----- `edges` can instead be a tuple of length 2, with each element a tuple of int of length `E`. If `edges` is a 2D array of shape `(E, 2)` or is a tuple of length `E` with each element a tuple of int of length 2, then one must convert it as follows: >>> edges = numpy.array(edges).transpose() Returns ------- ev : 1d array The value of `binary_fcn` evaluated on each edge. That is, `ev[e] = binary_fcn(data[i], data[j])` where `i = row[e]` and `j = col[e]`. If either `i` or `j` is < 0, `ev[e]` is nan. """ a, b = edges ev = np.empty(len(a), dtype=nodevals.dtype) d = nodevals.reshape(-1) for i in range(len(a)): ev[i] = binary_fcn(d[a[i]], d[b[i]]) return ev
[docs]def edges_to_graph(edges, N=None, weights=None): """ Convert list of pairs of adjacent nodes into a sparse matrix graph representation Parameters ---------- edges : tuple Each element is an array of int of length E, where E is the number of edges in the grid's graph, i.e. the number of pairs of adjacent water columns (including land) in the grid. If `edges = (a, b)`, the nodes (water columns) whose linear indices are `a[i]` and `b[i]` are adjacent. N : int, Default None Number of nodes in the graph. If None, the number of nodes is assumed to be the largest value in `edges`, plus one since elements in `edges` are zero-indexed, i.e. nodes are laballed 0, 1, ..., N-1. weights : array, Default None Weights of the edges in the graph. If None, a weight of 1 is given for each edge. Returns ------- G : csr_matrix Symmetric, sparse, `N` by `N` matrix representation of the undirected graph. `G[m,n] = G[n,m] = weights[i]` where `i` is such that `edges[0][i] = m` and `edges[1][i] = n`. """ a, b = edges E = len(a) if N is None: N = np.max((np.max(a), np.max(b))) + 1 # assumes no degree 0 nodes. if weights is None: weights = np.ones(E, dtype=int) G = coo_matrix((weights, edges), shape=(N, N)) return csr_matrix(G + G.T)
[docs]def build_grid(G): """ Convert a dict of (undirected) graphs into a grid dict used by neutralocean. Parameters ---------- G : matrix or dict If a (sparse) matrix, this specifies the edges in the graph: an edge exists between nodes `m` and `n` iff `G[m,n]` is nonzero or `G[n,m]` is nonzero. If `G` is symmetric, only its upper triangle is used. If `G` is not symmetric, it must have only one of `G[m,n]` or `G[n,m]` be non-zero; this condition is not checked for. The geometric distances are both taken to be 1.0, regardless of the data in `G`. If a dict, must have `'dist'` and `'distperp'` entries, which are both (sparse) matrices with the same sparsity structure. The edges in the graph are determined from `G['dist']` as above. The distance between adjacent nodes `m` and `n` is given by `G['dist'][m,n]` or `G['dist'][n,m]`. The distance of the interface between adjacent nodes `m` and `n` is given by `G['distperp'][m,n]` or `G['distperp'][n,m]`. Returns ------- grid : dict grid['edges'] : tuple of length 2 Each element is an array of int of length E, where E is the number of edges in the grid's graph, i.e. the number of pairs of adjacent water columns (including land) in the grid. If `grid['edges'] = (a, b)`, the nodes (water columns) whose linear indices are `a[i]` and `b[i]` are adjacent. grid['dist'] : 1d array `grid['dist'][i]` is the distance between nodes `a[i]` and `b[i]`, where `grid['edges'] = (a, b)`. grid['distperp'] : 1d array `grid['distperp'][i]` is the distance of the interface between nodes `a[i]` and `b[i]`, where `grid['edges'] = (a, b)`. """ grid = dict() if isinstance(G, dict): if not ("dist" in G and "distperp" in G): raise ValueError( "If a dict, G must have 'dist' and 'distperp' entries" ) D = triu_if_sym(G["dist"]) P = triu_if_sym(G["distperp"]) a, b, dist = find(D) A, B, perp = find(P) if not np.array_equal(a, A) or not np.array_equal(b, B): raise ValueError( "Given matrices have different sparsity structure." ) grid["edges"] = (a, b) grid["dist"] = dist grid["distperp"] = perp else: # G is a matrix G = triu_if_sym_structure(G) a, b, _ = find(G) grid["edges"] = (a, b) grid["dist"] = grid["distperp"] = np.ones(len(a)) return grid
def sym_structure(A): """ Determine whether the sparsity structure of martix `A` is symmetric. Returns True iff `A[i,j] == 0` implies `A[j,i] == 0` for all valid. Also returns False if A is not a square matrix. """ if len(A.shape) != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]: return False # A is not a square matrix if issparse(A): return ((A != 0) != (A.T != 0)).nnz == 0 else: return np.all((A == 0) == (A.T == 0)) def triu_if_sym(A): """Return upper triangle matrix if symmetric""" if issymmetric(A): return triu(A) else: return A def triu_if_sym_structure(A): """Return upper triangle matrix if symmetric sparsity structure""" if sym_structure(A): return triu(A) else: return A