Source code for neutralocean.ntp

"""Neutral Tangent Plane and related functions"""

import numpy as np
import numba as nb

from neutralocean.lib import xr_to_np
from import make_eos_s_t

[docs]def ntp_epsilon_errors(s, t, p, grid, eos_s_t="gsw", grav=None, rho_c=None): """ Calculate epsilon neutrality errors on an approximately neutral surface Parameters ---------- s, t, p, eos_s_t, grav, rho_c : See `ntp_epsilon_errors_norms`. grid : dict See `ntp_epsilon_errors_norms`. Need not have the `distperp` element, as this is not used. If the `dist` element is missing, a value of 1.0 will be used. Can alternatively pass a 2 element tuple that is just `grid['edges']`, in which case `dist` will be taken as 1.0. Returns ------- e : array The epsilon neutrality errors on the surface. `e[i]` is the neutrality error from node `a[i]` to node `b[i]`, where `a, b = grid['edges']`. """ if isinstance(grid, tuple): edges = grid dist = 1.0 elif isinstance(grid, dict): edges = grid["edges"] dist = grid.get("dist", 1.0) eos_s_t = make_eos_s_t(eos_s_t, grav, rho_c) s, t, p = (np.reshape(xr_to_np(x), -1) for x in (s, t, p)) e = _ntp_epsilon_error1(s, t, p, edges[0], edges[1], eos_s_t) if dist is not float or dist != 1.0: e = e / dist return e
[docs]def ntp_epsilon_errors_norms( s, t, p, grid, eos_s_t="gsw", grav=None, rho_c=None ): """ Calculate norms of the epsilon neutrality errors on an approximately neutral surface Parameters ---------- s, t, p : ndarray practical / Absolute Salinity, potential / Conservative temperature, and pressure / depth on the surface grid : dict Containing the following: edges : tuple of length 2, Required Each element is an array of int of length E, where E is the number of edges in the grid's graph, i.e. the number of pairs of adjacent water columns (including land) in the grid. If `edges = (a, b)`, the nodes (water columns) whose linear indices are `a[i]` and `b[i]` are adjacent. dist : 1d array, Default 1.0 Horizontal distance between adjacent water columns (nodes). `dist[i]` is the distance between nodes whose linear indices are `edges[0][i]` and `edges[1][i]`. distperp : 1d array, Default 1.0 Horizontal distance of the face between adjacent water columns (nodes). `distperp[i]` is the distance of the interface between nodes whose linear indices are `edges[0][i]` and `edges[1][i]`. eos_s_t : function Equation of state for the partial derivatives of density or specific volume with respect to `S` and `T` as a function of `S`, `T`, and `P` inputs. grav : float, Default None Gravitational acceleration [m s-2]. When non-Boussinesq, pass `None`. rho_c : float, Default None Boussinesq reference density [kg m-3]. When non-Boussinesq, pass `None`. Returns ------- e_RMS : float Area-weighted root-mean-square of the epsilon neutrality error on the surface e_MAV : TYPE Area-weighted mean-absolute-value of the epsilon neutrality error on the surface """ eos_s_t = make_eos_s_t(eos_s_t, grav, rho_c) # Calculate epsilon neutrality errors. Here, treat all distances = 1. # The actual distances will be handled in computing the norms e = ntp_epsilon_errors(s, t, p, {"edges": grid["edges"]}, eos_s_t) area = grid["dist"] * grid["distperp"] # Area [m^2] centred on edges # L2 norm of vector [a_i], weighted by vector [w_i], is sqrt( sum( w_i * a_i^2 ) / sum( w_i ) ) # L1 norm of vector [a_i], weighted by vector [w_i], is sum( w_i * |a_i| ) / sum( w_i ) # Here, weights are `area`. denom = np.sum(area * np.isfinite(e)) if denom == 0.0: # This happens when a surface is one, isolated grid cell. return 0.0, 0.0 # Still need to divide epsilon by grid distances `dist`. # Thus, the numerator of L2 norm needs to multiply epsilon^2 by # area / dist^2 = distperp / dist, # and the numerator of L1 norm needs to multiply epsilon by # area ./ dist = distperp. e_RMS = np.sqrt(np.nansum(grid["distperp"] / grid["dist"] * e**2) / denom) e_MAV = np.nansum(grid["distperp"] * abs(e)) / denom return e_RMS, e_MAV
@nb.njit def avg1(a, b): return (a + b) * 0.5 @nb.njit def dif1(a, b): return b - a @nb.njit def arg1(a, b): return a @nb.njit def arg2(a, b): return b @nb.njit def _ntp_epsilon_error1(s, t, p, a, b, eos_s_t): e = np.empty(len(a), dtype=s.dtype) for i in range(len(a)): a_ = a[i] b_ = b[i] rs, rt = eos_s_t( 0.5 * (s[a_] + s[b_]), 0.5 * (t[a_] + t[b_]), 0.5 * (p[a_] + p[b_]), ) e[i] = rs * (s[b_] - s[a_]) + rt * (t[b_] - t[a_]) return e