Source code for neutralocean.ppinterp.pchip

import numpy as np
import numba as nb

from .lib import diff_1d_samesize, valid_range_1_two

from .ppinterp import ppinterp_1, ppinterp_1_two

[docs]def pchip_coeffs(X, Y): """ Piecewise Polynomial Coefficients for a PCHIP (Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial) Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Independent variable. Must be same dimensions as `Y`, with any dimension possibly a singleton: that is, must be broadcastable to the size of `Y`. `X` must be monotonically increasing in its last dimension. That is, `X[*i,:]` should be monotonically increasing for any `i` tuple indexing all but the last dimension. Y : ndarray Dependent variable. Must be same dimensions as `X`, with any dimension possibly a singleton: that is, must be broadcastable to the size of `X`. Returns ------- Yppc : ndarray Coefficients for a PCHIP interpolant of `Y` to `X`. Notes ----- If `X` and `Y` have NaN's, only the first contiguous block of non-NaN data between both `X` and `Y` is used. Evaluate the piecewise polynomial at `x` as >>> y = ppval(x, X, Yppc) """ # Suppress the divide by zero and invalid arguments warnings that appear # for the `numba.guvectorize`d function, though not for the `numba.njit`ed # function. The PCHIP algorithm is guaranteed to not divide by zero. # with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): return _pchip_coeffs(X, Y, np.arange(4))
[docs]def pchip_interp(x, X, Y, d=0): # Suppress the divide by zero and invalid arguments warnings that appear # for the `numba.guvectorize`d function, though not for the `numba.njit`ed # function. The PCHIP algorithm is guaranteed to not divide by zero. # with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): return _pchip_interp(x, X, Y, d)
[docs]def pchip_interp_two(x, X, Y, Z, d=0): # Suppress the divide by zero and invalid arguments warnings that appear # for the `numba.guvectorize`d function, though not for the `numba.njit`ed # function. The PCHIP algorithm is guaranteed to not divide by zero. # with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): return _pchip_interp_two(x, X, Y, Z, d)
[docs]@nb.njit def pchip_coeffs_1(X, Y): """ Coefficients for a single PCHIP when the data may contain NaNs Inputs and outputs are as for `pchip_coeffs`, but `X` and `Y` both 1D arrays of length `n`, and so `Yppc` is a 2D array of size `(n, 4)`. """ # Find k = index to first valid data site, and # K such that K - 1 = index to last valid data site in contiguous range # of valid data after index k. k, K = valid_range_1_two(X, Y) return _pchip_coeffs_1(X, Y, k, K)
[docs]@nb.njit def pchip_coeffs_1_nonan(X, Y): """ Coefficients for a single PCHIP when the data has no NaNs Inputs and outputs are as for `pchip_coeffs`, but `X` and `Y` both 1D arrays of length `n`, and so `Yppc` is a 2D array of size `(n, 4)`. """ return _pchip_coeffs_1(X, Y, 0, X.size)
@nb.njit def _pchip_coeffs_1(X, Y, k, K): """ Coeffs for a single PCHIP when data is non-NaN on `k:K` """ # Note, np.diff does not work with nb.njit, here. # Also, using our own numba.njit'ed function is faster than np.ediff1d h = diff_1d_samesize(X) # distance between data sites δ = diff_1d_samesize(Y) / h # linear slope between data sites nk = X.size # Number of data points included possible NaN's d = np.zeros(K) # slope of interpolant at data sites # Note elements 0, ... k-1 of d will be unused. C = np.full((nk, 4), np.nan) if K - k > 2: # Calculate PCHIP slopes # Slopes at end points: # Set d[k] and d[K-1] via non-centered, shape-preserving three-point formulae. # Slopes at interior points: # d[i] = weighted average of δ[i-1] and δ[i] when they have the same sign. # d[i] = 0 when δ[i-1] and δ[i] have opposites signs or either is zero. d[k] = ((2 * h[k] + h[k + 1]) * δ[k] - h[k] * δ[k + 1]) / ( h[k] + h[k + 1] ) if np.sign(d[k]) != np.sign(δ[k]): d[k] = 0 elif (np.sign(δ[k]) != np.sign(δ[k + 1])) and ( abs(d[k]) > abs(3 * δ[k]) ): d[k] = 3 * δ[k] for i in range(k + 1, K - 1): if np.sign(δ[i - 1]) * np.sign(δ[i]) > 0: w1 = h[i - 1] + 2 * h[i] w2 = 2 * h[i - 1] + h[i] d[i] = (w1 + w2) / (w1 / δ[i - 1] + w2 / δ[i]) else: d[i] = 0 d[K - 1] = ( (2 * h[K - 2] + h[K - 3]) * δ[K - 2] - h[K - 2] * δ[K - 3] ) / (h[K - 2] + h[K - 3]) if np.sign(d[K - 1]) != np.sign(δ[K - 2]): d[K - 1] = 0 elif (np.sign(δ[K - 2]) != np.sign(δ[K - 3])) and ( abs(d[K - 1]) > abs(3 * δ[K - 2]) ): d[K - 1] = 3 * δ[K - 2] # Build piecewise cubic Hermite polynomial for i in range(k, K - 1): dzzdx = (δ[i] - d[i]) / h[i] dzdxdx = (d[i + 1] - δ[i]) / h[i] C[i, 0] = (dzdxdx - dzzdx) / h[i] C[i, 1] = 2 * dzzdx - dzdxdx C[i, 2] = d[i] elif K - k == 2: # Special case: use linear interpolation. δ = (Y[k + 1] - Y[k]) / (X[k + 1] - X[k]) C[k, 0] = 0 C[k, 1] = 0 C[k, 2] = δ # else: # K - k == 1 # leave coefficients as nans. Ignore case of x = X[k] while # having X[k+1:] == np.nan and/or Y[k+1:] == np.nan. That case # cannot be handled here, since setting the coefficients to # be [0, 0, 0, Y[k]], i.e. a constant function, would mean the # interpolant would be Y[k] when evaluated 0at x > X[k], but we # only want it to be Y[k] at x = X[k] precisely. C[:, 3] = Y return C @nb.njit def _pchip_coeffs_i(X, Y, i): """ Coefficients of a single Piece of a PCHIP Parameters ---------- X : 1D array Independent data, monotonically increasing Y : 1D array Dependent data i : int Select the interval of `X` that contains the eventual evaluation site `x`. Specifically, if `i == 0` then `X[0] <= x <= X[1]`, or if `1 <= i <= len(X) - 1` then `X[i] < x <= X[i+1]`. These facts about `i` are assumed true; they are not checked. Returns ------- C3, C2, C1, C0 : float Piecewise Polynomial Coefficients that can be evaluated at `x`. Notes ----- To interpolate `Y` in terms of `X` at evaluation site `x`, simply evaluate the piecewise polynomial whose coefficients are `Yppc` at `x` by `pval(x - X[i], (C3, C2, C1, C0))` This function is adapted from `_pchip_coeffs_1` """ # Pre-assign sizes for PCHIP variables. h = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] δ = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] d = [0.0, 0.0] # Check whether x is adjacent to the start or end of this X at_start = (i == 0) or np.isnan(X[i - 1] + Y[i - 1]) at_end = (i == len(X) - 2) or np.isnan(X[i + 2] + Y[i + 2]) if at_start and at_end: # if np.isnan(X[i + 1]) or np.isnan(Y[i + 1]): # # Only one valid data point. Leave the interpolant as NaN. # d[0], c, b = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan # else: # ||| X[0] <= x <= X[1] ||| Revert to Linear Interpolation # If actually only one non-NaN data point, then d[0] will be NaN, so # interpolant will evaluate to NaN. d[0] = (Y[i + 1] - Y[i]) / (X[i + 1] - X[i]) C3, C2 = 0.0, 0.0 else: if at_start: # ||| X[0] <= x <= X[1] < X[2] ---> h[1] = X[i + 1] - X[i] h[2] = X[i + 2] - X[i + 1] δ[1] = (Y[i + 1] - Y[i]) / h[1] δ[2] = (Y[i + 2] - Y[i + 1]) / h[2] # Noncentered, shape-preserving, three-point formula: d[0] = ((2.0 * h[1] + h[2]) * δ[1] - h[1] * δ[2]) / (h[1] + h[2]) if np.sign(d[0]) != np.sign(δ[1]): d[0] = 0.0 elif (np.sign(δ[1]) != np.sign(δ[2])) and ( np.abs(d[0]) > np.abs(3.0 * δ[1]) ): d[0] = 3.0 * δ[1] # Standard PCHIP formula if np.sign(δ[1]) * np.sign(δ[2]) > 0.0: w1 = 2.0 * h[2] + h[1] w2 = h[2] + 2.0 * h[1] d[1] = (w1 + w2) / (w1 / δ[1] + w2 / δ[2]) else: d[1] = 0.0 elif at_end: # <--- X[i-1] < X[i] < x <= X[i+1] ||| h[0] = X[i] - X[i - 1] h[1] = X[i + 1] - X[i] δ[0] = (Y[i] - Y[i - 1]) / h[0] δ[1] = (Y[i + 1] - Y[i]) / h[1] # Standard PCHIP formula if np.sign(δ[0]) * np.sign(δ[1]) > 0.0: w1 = 2.0 * h[1] + h[0] w2 = h[1] + 2.0 * h[0] d[0] = (w1 + w2) / (w1 / δ[0] + w2 / δ[1]) else: d[0] = 0.0 # Noncentered, shape-preserving, three-point formula: d[1] = ((h[0] + 2.0 * h[1]) * δ[1] - h[1] * δ[0]) / (h[0] + h[1]) if np.sign(d[1]) != np.sign(δ[1]): d[1] = 0.0 elif (np.sign(δ[1]) != np.sign(δ[0])) and ( np.abs(d[1]) > np.abs(3 * δ[1]) ): d[1] = 3.0 * δ[1] else: # <--- X[i-1] < X[i] < x <= X[i+1] < X[i+2] ---> h[0] = X[i] - X[i - 1] # Way faster to do this h[1] = X[i + 1] - X[i] # than h[2] = X[i + 2] - X[i + 1] # diff(X(i-1:i+3)) δ[0] = (Y[i] - Y[i - 1]) / h[0] δ[1] = (Y[i + 1] - Y[i]) / h[1] δ[2] = (Y[i + 2] - Y[i + 1]) / h[2] # Standard PCHIP formula for j in range(2): if np.sign(δ[j]) * np.sign(δ[j + 1]) > 0.0: w1 = 2.0 * h[j + 1] + h[j] w2 = h[j + 1] + 2.0 * h[j] d[j] = (w1 + w2) / (w1 / δ[j] + w2 / δ[j + 1]) else: d[j] = 0.0 # Polynomial coefficients for this piece dzzdx = (δ[1] - d[0]) / h[1] dzdxdx = (d[1] - δ[1]) / h[1] C3 = (dzdxdx - dzzdx) / h[1] # coeff of the 3rd degree term (x^3) C2 = 2 * dzzdx - dzdxdx # coeff of 2nd degree term (x^2) # The following code evaluates the `d`'th deriviative of the cubic # interpolant at `x`. # s = x - X[i] # if d == 0: # y = Y[i] + s * (d[0] + s * (C2 + s * C3)) # elif d == 1: # first derivative # y = d[0] + s * (2 * C2 + 3 * s * C3) # elif d == 2: # second derivative # y = 2 * C2 + 6 * s * C3 # elif d == 3: # third derivative # y = 6 * C3 # else: # y = 0.0 # return y # Faster to return tuple than build an np.array just to deconstruct it later return C3, C2, d[0], Y[i] @nb.guvectorize( [(nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:, :])], "(n),(n),(m)->(n,m)" ) def _pchip_coeffs(X, Y, len4array, Yppc): Yppc[:, :] = pchip_coeffs_1(X, Y)
[docs]@nb.njit def pchip_interp_1(x, X, Y, d=0): return ppinterp_1(_pchip_coeffs_i, x, X, Y, d)
[docs]@nb.njit def pchip_interp_1_two(x, X, Y, Z, d=0): return ppinterp_1_two(_pchip_coeffs_i, x, X, Y, Z, d)
@nb.guvectorize( [(nb.f8, nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:], nb.i8, nb.f8[:])], "(),(n),(n),()->()", ) def _pchip_interp(x, X, Y, d, y): y[0] = pchip_interp_1(x, X, Y, d) @nb.guvectorize( [(nb.f8, nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:], nb.i8, nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:])], "(),(n),(n),(n),()->(),()", ) def _pchip_interp_two(x, X, Y, Z, d, y, z): y[0], z[0] = pchip_interp_1_two(x, X, Y, Z, d)