Source code for neutralocean.surface.isopycnal

Calculate approximately neutral surfaces that are isosurfaces of an function
with a closed form mathematical expression, namely 
potential density (or specific volume) surfaces and 
in-situ density (or specific volume) anomaly surfaces.

import numpy as np
from time import time

from neutralocean.surface._vertsolve import _make_vertsolve
from neutralocean.ppinterp import ppval_1_two, make_pp, valid_range_1
from neutralocean.ntp import ntp_epsilon_errors_norms
from neutralocean.lib import (

[docs]def potential_surf(S, T, P, **kwargs): """Calculate a potential density (or specific volume) surface. Given practical / Absolute salinity `S`, potential / Conservative temperature `T`, and pressure (when non-Boussinesq) or depth (when Boussinesq) `P`, and given a reference pressure / depth `ref`, calculate an isosurface of `eos(S, T, ref)` where `eos` is the equation of state. Parameters ---------- S, T : ndarray or xarray.DataArray 3D practical / Absolute salinity and potential / Conservative temperature --- that is, a 2D array of 1D water columns or "casts" P : ndarray or xarray.DataArray In the non-Boussinesq case, `P` is the 3D pressure, sharing the same dimensions as `S` and `T`. In the Boussinesq case, `P` is the depth and can be 3D with the same structure as `S` and `T`, or can be 1D with as many elements as there are in the vertical dimension of `S` and `T`. ref : float The reference pressure or depth, in the same units as P. If `ref` is None, the reference value is taken as `pin_p`. See Examples section. isoval : float Isovalue of the potential density surface. Units are same as returned by `eos`. See Examples section. pin_p : float Pressure or depth at which the surface intersects the cast `pin_cast`. See Examples section. pin_cast : tuple or list of int of length 2 Index for cast where surface is at pressure or depth `pin_p`. See Examples section. Returns ------- s, t, p : ndarray or xarray.DataArray practical / Absolute salinity, potential / Conservative temperature, and pressure / depth on the surface d : dict Diagnostics. `"e_MAV"` : float Mean Absolute Value of the ϵ neutrality error on the surface, area-weighted. Units are those of `eos` return values divided by those of `dist*` inputs. `"e_RMS"` : float As `"e_MAV"` but for the Root Mean Square. `"n_wet"`: float Number of wet casts (surface points). `"timer"` : float Time spent on the whole algorithm, excluding set-up and diagnostics. `"ref"` : float Reference pressure / depth for surface (matching input `ref` if given, otherwise this is calculated internally). `"isoval"` : float Isovalue of potential density for surface (matching input `isoval` if given, otherwise this is calculated internally). Other Parameters ---------------- grid : dict Containing the following: edges : tuple of length 2 Each element is an array of int of length E, where E is the number of edges in the grid's graph, i.e. the number of pairs of adjacent water columns (including land) in the grid. If `edges = (a, b)`, the nodes (water columns) whose linear indices are `a[i]` and `b[i]` are adjacent. Required if `diags` is True dist : 1d array Horizontal distance between adjacent water columns (nodes). `dist[i]` is the distance between nodes whose linear indices are `edges[0][i]` and `edges[1][i]`. If absent, a value of 1.0 is assumed for all edges. distperp : 1d array Horizontal distance of the face between adjacent water columns (nodes). `distperp[i]` is the distance of the interface between nodes whose linear indices are `edges[0][i]` and `edges[1][i]`. If absent, a value of 1.0 is assumed for all edges. For a rectilinear grid (e.g. latitude-longitude), use `neutralocean.grid.rectilinear.build_grid` For a tiled rectilinear grid, such as works with XGCM, use `neutralocean.grid.xgcm.build_grid` For a general grid given as a graph, use `neutralocean.grid.graph.build_grid` Also see the examples in `neutralocean.examples`. vert_dim : int or str, Default -1 Specifies which dimension of `S`, `T` (and `P` if 3D) is vertical. If `S` and `T` are `ndarray`, then `vert_dim` is the `int` indexing the vertical dimension of `S` and `T` (e.g. -1 indexes the last dimension). If `S` and `T` are `xarray.DataArray`, then `vert_dim` is a `str` naming the vertical dimension of `S` and `T`. Ideally, `vert_dim` is -1. See `Notes`. eos : str or function or tuple of functions, Default 'gsw' Specification for the equation of state. If a str, can be any of the strings accepted by ``, e.g. `'jmd95'`, `'jmdfwg06'`, `'gsw'`. If a function, must take three inputs corresponding to `S`, `T`, and `P`, and output the density (or specific volume). This form is not allowed when `diags` is `True`. This can be made as, e.g., `eos = neutralocean.eos.make_eos('gsw')` for a non-Boussinesq ocean, or as `eos = neutralocean.eos.make_eos('gsw', grav, rho_c)` for a Boussinesq ocean with `grav` and `rho_c` (see inputs below). If a tuple of functions, the first element must be a function for the equation of state as above, and the second element must be a function taking the same three inputs as above and returning two outputs, namely the partial derivatives of the equation of state with respect to `S` and `T`. The second element can be made as, e.g., `eos_s_t = neutralocean.eos.make_eos_s_t('gsw', grav, rho_c)` The function (or the first element of the tuple of functions) should be `@numba.njit` decorated and need not be vectorized -- it will be called many times with scalar inputs. grav : float, Default None Gravitational acceleration [m s-2]. When non-Boussinesq, pass `None`. rho_c : float, Default None Boussinesq reference density [kg m-3]. When non-Boussinesq, pass `None`. interp : str, Default 'linear' Method for vertical interpolation. Use `'linear'` for linear interpolation, and `'pchip'` for Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomials. Other interpolants can be added through the subpackage, `ppinterp`. diags : bool, Default True If True, calculate diagnostics (4th output). If False, 4th output is an empty dict. output : bool, Default True If `True`, prints diagnostic output during computation. `diags` must be `True` for this to have any effect. To redirect this output to a file, do the following >>> import sys >>> tmp = sys.stdout >>> sys.stdout = file_id = open('myfile.txt', 'w') >>> # Now call this function ... >>> sys.stdout = tmp >>> file_id.close() TOL_P_SOLVER : float, Default 1e-4 Error tolerance when root-finding to update the pressure or depth of the surface in each water column. Units are the same as `P`. Examples -------- The output surface must be specified by some combination of reference pressure / depth `ref`, isovalue `isoval`, pinning cast `pin_cast` and pinning pressure `pin_p`. The following methods are valid, and listed in order of precedence (e.g. `pin_cast` and `pin_p` are not used if both `ref` and `isoval` are given). >>> potential_surf(S, T, P, ref=___, isoval=___, ...) This finds the surface with given reference pressure / depth and the given isovalue. >>> potential_surf(S, T, P, ref=___, pin_p=___, pin_cast=___, ...) This finds the surface with given reference pressure / depth that intersects the given cast at the given pressure or depth. >>> potential_surf(S, T, P, pin_p=___, pin_cast=___, ...) This is as for the previous method, but selects the reference pressure / depth as `pin_p` (i.e. the local `P` value at the given cast's given pressure or depth). Notes ----- This code will internally re-arrange `S`, `T`, `P` to have the vertical dimension last, so that the data for an individual water column is contiguous in memory. If you call this function many times, consider using `lib._process_casts` to pre-process your `S`, `T`, `P` inputs to have the vertical dimension last. """ return _isopycnal("potential", S, T, P, **kwargs)
[docs]def anomaly_surf(S, T, P, **kwargs): """Calculate a specific volume (or in-situ density) anomaly surface. Given practical / Absolute salinity `S`, potential / Conservative temperature `T`, and pressure / depth `P`, and given reference values `S0` and `T0`, calculate an isosurface of `eos(S, T, P) - eos(S0, T0, P)` where `eos` is the equation of state. In a non-Boussinesq ocean, `P` is pressure. Also, if one is computing geostrophic streamfunctions, it is most convenient if `eos` provides the specific volume. In a Boussinesq ocean, `P` is depth. Also, if one is computing geostrophic streamfunctions, it is most convenient if `eos` provides the in-situ density. Parameters ---------- S, T, P : ndarray or xarray.DataArray See `potential_surf` ref : tuple of float of length 2 The reference S and T values. If `ref` is None or has a None element, the reference values are taken from the local `S` and `T` at the pressure or depth `pin_p` on the pinning cast `pin_cast`. isoval, pin_p, pin_cast : See `potential_surf` Returns ------- s, t, p, d : See `potential_surf`. Note `d["ref"]` returns a 2 element tuple, namely `ref` as here. Other Parameters ---------------- grid, vert_dim, eos, grav, rho_c, interp, diags, output, TOL_P_SOLVER : See `potential_surf` Examples -------- The output surface must be specified by some combination of reference salinity and temperature `ref`, isovalue `isoval`, pinning cast `pin_cast` and pinning pressure `pin_p`. The following methods are valid, and listed in order of precedence (e.g. `pin_cast` and `pin_p` are not used if both `ref` and `isoval` are given). >>> anomaly_surf(S, T, P, ref=___, isoval=___, ...) This finds the surface with given reference salinity and temperature and the given isovalue. >>> anomaly_surf(S, T, P, ref=___, pin_p=___, pin_cast=___, ...) This finds the surface with given reference salinity and temperature that intersects the given cast at the given pressure or depth. >>> anomaly_surf(S, T, P, pin_p=___, pin_cast=___, ...) This is as for the previous method, but selects the reference salinity and temperature from the local `S` and `T` values at the given cast's given pressure or depth. Notes ----- See `potential_surf`. """ return _isopycnal("anomaly", S, T, P, **kwargs)
def _isopycnal(ans_type, S, T, P, **kwargs): """Calculate an isosurface of potential density or specific volume anomaly. Inputs are as in `potential_surf` and `anomaly_surf`, but first input is a string specifying "potential" or "anomaly" """ ref = kwargs.get("ref") isoval = kwargs.get("isoval") pin_cast = kwargs.get("pin_cast") pin_p = kwargs.get("pin_p") vert_dim = kwargs.get("vert_dim", -1) TOL_P_SOLVER = kwargs.get("TOL_P_SOLVER", 1e-4) eos = kwargs.get("eos", "gsw") rho_c = kwargs.get("rho_c") grav = kwargs.get("grav") diags = kwargs.get("diags", True) output = kwargs.get("output", True) grid = kwargs.get("grid") interp = kwargs.get("interp", "linear") # Build function that calculates coefficients of a piecewise polynomial # interpolant, doing 1 problem at a time, and knowing there will be no nans # in the input data. ppc_fn = make_pp(interp, kind="1", out="coeffs", nans=False) # Process arguments sxr, txr, pxr = _xrs_in(S, T, P, vert_dim) # before _process_casts pin_cast = _process_pin_cast(pin_cast, S) # call before _process_casts S, T, P = _process_casts(S, T, P, vert_dim) eos, eos_s_t = _process_eos(eos, grav, rho_c, need_s_t=diags) if diags and not (isinstance(grid, dict) and "edges" in grid): raise ValueError("grid['edges'] must be provided when diags is True") # Error checking on (ref, isoval, pin_cast, pin_p), then convert this # selection to (ref, isoval) pair _check_ref(ans_type, ref, isoval, pin_cast, pin_p, S) ref, isoval = _choose_ref_isoval( ans_type, ref, isoval, pin_cast, pin_p, eos, S, T, P, ppc_fn ) # Solve non-linear root finding problem in each cast vertsolve = _make_vertsolve(eos, ppc_fn, ans_type) timer = time() s, t, p = vertsolve(S, T, P, ref, isoval, TOL_P_SOLVER) if pin_p is not None: # pin_cast must also be valid # Adjust the surface at the pinning cast slightly, to match the pinning # pressure / depth. This fixes small deviations of order `TOL_P_SOLVER` n = pin_cast p[n] = pin_p Sn, Tn, Pn = S[n], T[n], P[n] k, K = valid_range_1(Sn + Pn) # Sn and Tn have same nan-structure Sppcn = ppc_fn(Pn[k:K], Sn[k:K]) Tppcn = ppc_fn(Pn[k:K], Tn[k:K]) s[n], t[n] = ppval_1_two(pin_p, Pn[k:K], Sppcn, Tppcn) d = dict() d["ref"] = ref d["isoval"] = isoval if diags: d["timer"] = time() - timer e_RMS, e_MAV = ntp_epsilon_errors_norms(s, t, p, grid, eos_s_t) d["e_RMS"], d["e_MAV"] = e_RMS, e_MAV n_wet = np.sum(np.isfinite(p)) d["n_wet"] = n_wet if output: print( f"{ans_type} done" f" | {n_wet:11d} wet casts" f" | RMS(ϵ) = {e_RMS:.8e}", f" | {d['timer']:.3f} sec", ) s, t, p = (_xr_out(x, xxr) for (x, xxr) in ((s, sxr), (t, txr), (p, pxr))) return s, t, p, d def _check_ref(ans_type, ref, isoval, pin_cast, pin_p, S): """Error checking on ref / isoval / pin_cast / pin_p combinations for "potential" and "anomaly" surfaces """ # First check None values to validate one of the following options: # >>> _isopycnal(ans_type, S, T, P, ref, isoval) # >>> _isopycnal(ans_type, S, T, P, ref, pin_cast, pin_p) # >>> _isopycnal(ans_type, S, T, P, pin_cast, pin_p) if ref is None: if pin_cast is None or pin_p is None: raise TypeError( 'If "ref" is not provided, "pin_cast" and "pin_p" must be provided' ) else: # ref is not None if isoval is None and (pin_cast is None or pin_p is None): raise TypeError( 'If "ref" is provided, either "isoval" must be provided or' ' "pin_cast" and "pin_p" must be provided' ) # Error checking on ref if ref is not None: if ans_type == "potential": if not isinstance(ref, float): raise TypeError( 'For "potential" surfaces, if provided "ref" must be a float' ) else: # ans_type == "anomaly" if not (isinstance(ref, (tuple, list)) and len(ref) == 2): raise TypeError( 'For "anomaly" surfaces, if provided "ref" must be 2 element tuple/list of float' ) # Error checking on pin_cast. Let dict inputs (for xarray) pass through fine... if not isinstance(pin_cast, (type(None), dict)): try: S[pin_cast] except: raise ValueError( 'If provided, "pin_cast" must be able to index all but the' " vertical dimension of S" ) # Error checking on pin_p if not isinstance(pin_p, (type(None), float)): raise TypeError('If provided, "pin_p" must be a float') def _choose_ref_isoval( ans_type, ref, isoval, pin_cast, pin_p, eos, S, T, P, ppc_fn ): # Handle the three valid calls in the following order of precedence: # >>> _isopycnal(ans_type, S, T, P, ref, isoval) # >>> _isopycnal(ans_type, S, T, P, ref, pin_cast, pin_p) # >>> _isopycnal(ans_type, S, T, P, pin_cast, pin_p) if isoval is None: # => pin_cast and pin_p are both not None n = pin_cast # evaluate S and T on the surface at the chosen location # s0, t0 = interp_fn(pin_p, P[n], S[n], T[n]) Sn, Tn, Pn = S[n], T[n], P[n] k, K = valid_range_1(Sn + Pn) # Sn and Tn have same nan-structure Sppcn = ppc_fn(Pn[k:K], Sn[k:K]) Tppcn = ppc_fn(Pn[k:K], Tn[k:K]) s0, t0 = ppval_1_two(pin_p, Pn[k:K], Sppcn, Tppcn) if ans_type == "potential": if ref is None: ref = pin_p isoval = eos(s0, t0, ref) else: # ans_type == "anomaly" if ref is None or any(x is None for x in ref): ref = (s0, t0) isoval = eos(s0, t0, pin_p) - eos( ref[0], ref[1], pin_p ) # == 0 when ref = (s0, t0) return ref, isoval