Source code for

"""Omega surfaces"""
import numpy as np
from time import time
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsqr
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve

from neutralocean.surface.isopycnal import _isopycnal
from neutralocean.surface._vertsolve import _make_vertsolve
from neutralocean.ppinterp import make_pp
from neutralocean.bfs import bfs_conncomp1, bfs_conncomp1_wet
from neutralocean.grid.graph import edges_to_graph
from neutralocean.ntp import ntp_epsilon_errors, ntp_epsilon_errors_norms
from neutralocean.lib import (
from neutralocean.mixed_layer import mixed_layer

[docs]def omega_surf(S, T, P, grid, **kw): """Calculate an omega surface from structured ocean data. Given 3D salinity, temperature, and pressure or depth data arranged on a rectilinear grid, calculate a 2D omega surface [1]_ [2]_, which is a highly accurate approximately neutral surface. Parameters ---------- S, T, P : ndarray or xarray.DataArray See `potential_surf` p_init : ndarray, Default None Pressure or depth on the initial approximately neutral surface. See Examples section. ref : float, or tuple of float of length 2 If `p_init` is None, the reference value(s) for the initial potential density surface or in-situ density (specific volume) anomaly surface that initializes the omega surface algorithm. If `ref` is a scalar, a potential density urface is used, and if `ref` is None, the reference `P` is `pin_p` (i.e. taken local to the pinning location). If `ref` is a tuple of length two, a in-situ density anomaly surface is used, and if `ref` is (None, None), then the reference `S` and `T` values are taken local to the pinning location (pressure or depth `pin_p` on the pinning cast `pin_cast`). See Examples section. isoval : float Isovalue for the initial potential density or in-situ density anomaly surface when `p_init` is not given. Units are same as returned by the function specified by `eos`. See Examples section. pin_p, pin_cast : See `potential_surf` Returns ------- s, t, p : ndarray or xarray.DataArray practical / Absolute salinity, potential / Conservative temperature, and pressure / depth on surface d : dict Diagnostics. The first four listed below give information going into the `i`'th iteration (e.g. the 0'th element is about the initial surface). The rest give information about what the `i`'th iteration did (and hence their 0'th elements are irrelevant). `"e_MAV"` : array of float Mean Absolute Value of the ϵ neutrality error on the surface, area-weighted. Units are those of `eos` return values divided by those of `dist*` inputs. `"e_RMS"` : array of float As `"e_MAV"` but for the Root Mean Square. `"n_wet"`: array of float Number of wet casts (surface points). `"timer"` : array of float Time spent on each iteration, excluding set-up (approximately) and diagnostics. `"ϕ_MAV"` : array of float Mean Absolute Value of the Locally Referenced Potential Density perturbation, per iteration `"Δp_MAV"` : array of float Mean Absolute Value of the pressure or depth change from one iteration to the next `"Δp_RMS"` : array of float Root Mean Square of the pressure or depth change from one iteration to the next `"Δp_Linf"` : array of float Maximum absolute value (infinity norm) of the pressure or depth change from one iteration to the next `"n_newly_wet"` : array of int Number of casts that are newly wet, per iteration `"timer_bfs"` : array of float Time spent in Breadth-First Search including wetting, per iteration. `"timer_mat"` : array of float Time spent building and solving the matrix problem, per iteration. `"timer_update"` : array of float Time spent vertically updating the surface. Other Parameters ---------------- grid, vert_dim, grav, rho_c, interp, diags, output, TOL_P_SOLVER : See `potential_surf` eos : str or tuple of functions, Default 'gsw' As in `potential_surf`, excluding the option to pass a single function. The omega surface algorithm relies on knowing the partial derivatives of the equation of state with respect to salinity and temperature, so the `eos_s_t` function is also required if given as a tuple of functions. ITER_MIN : int, Default 1 Minimum number of iterations. ITER_MAX : int, Default 10 Maximum number of iterations. ITER_START_WETTING : int, Default 1 Iteration on which wetting begins. Set to `np.inf` (`ITER_MAX` + 1 would also do) to deactivate. ITER_STOP_WETTING : int, Default 5 The last iteration on which to perform wetting. This can be useful to avoid pesky water columns that repeatedly wet then dry. TOL_LRPD_MAV : float, Default 1e-7 Exit iterations when the mean absolute value of the Locally Referenced Potential Density perturbation that updates the surface from one iteration to the next is less than this value. Units are [kg m-3], even if `eos` returns a specific volume. Set to 0 to deactivate. TOL_P_CHANGE_RMS : float, Default 0.0 Exit iterations when the root mean square of the pressure or depth change on the surface from one iteration to the next is less than this value. Set to 0 to deactivate. Units are the same as `P` [dbar or m]. p_ml : ndarray or dict, Default None If a dict, the pressure or depth at the base of the mixed layer is computed using `mixed_layer` with p_ml passed as keyword arguments, enabling control over the parameters in that function. See `mixed_layer` for details. If an ndarray (of the same shape as the lateral dimensions of `S`), the pressure or depth at the base of the mixed layer in each water column. When the surface's pressure is shallower than `p_ml` in any water column, it is set to NaN (a "dry" water column). This is not applied to the initial surface, but only to the surface after the first iteration, as the initial surface could be very far from neutral. If None, the mixed layer is not removed. OMEGA_FORMULATION : str, Default 'poisson' Specify how the matrix problem is set up and solved. Options are - `'poisson'`, to solve the Poisson problem as in [1]_ with Cholesky, or - `'gradient'`, to solve the overdetermined gradient equations as in [2]_ using LSQR. Examples -------- omega surfaces require a pinning cast and initial surface. The surface is iteratively updated while remaining fixed at the pinning cast. The initial surface can be provided directly, as the surface with pressure or depth given by `p_init`, in the following method: >>> omega_surf(S, T, P, pin_cast, p_init, ...) Alternatively, a potential density surface or an in-situ density (specific volume) anomaly surface can be used as the initial surface. To do this, use one of the following two methods: >>> omega_surf(S, T, P, ref, isoval, pin_cast, ...) >>> omega_surf(S, T, P, ref, pin_p, pin_cast, ...) For more info on these methods, see the Examples section of `potential_surf`. Note that `pin_cast` is always a required input. Note that `ref` is needed to distinguish which of the two types of isopycnals will be used as the initial surface. Notes ----- See `potential_surf` Notes. .. [1] Stanley, G. J., McDougall, T. J., & Barker, P. M. (2021). Algorithmic Improvements to Finding Approximately Neutral Surfaces. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(5), e2020MS002436. .. [2] Klocker, A., McDougall, T. J., & Jackett, D. R. (2009). A new method for forming approximately neutral surfaces. Ocean Science, 5 (2), 155-172. """ ref = kw.get("ref") pin_p = kw.get("pin_p") pin_cast = kw.get("pin_cast") p_init = kw.get("p_init") vert_dim = kw.get("vert_dim", -1) p_ml = kw.get("p_ml") diags = kw.get("diags", True) output = kw.get("output", True) eos = kw.get("eos", "gsw") rho_c = kw.get("rho_c") grav = kw.get("grav") ITER_MIN = kw.get("ITER_MIN", 1) ITER_MAX = kw.get("ITER_MAX", 10) ITER_START_WETTING = kw.get("ITER_START_WETTING", 1) ITER_STOP_WETTING = kw.get("ITER_STOP_WETTING", 5) TOL_P_SOLVER = kw.get("TOL_P_SOLVER", 1e-4) TOL_LRPD_MAV = kw.get("TOL_LRPD_MAV", 1e-7) TOL_P_CHANGE_RMS = kw.get("TOL_P_CHANGE_RMS", 0.0) OMEGA_FORMULATION = kw.get("OMEGA_FORMULATION", "poisson") interp = kw.get("interp", "linear") # Build function that calculates coefficients of a piecewise polynomial # interpolant, doing 1 problem at a time, and knowing there will be no nans # in the input data. ppc_fn = make_pp(interp, kind="1", out="coeffs", nans=False) # Build function that evaluates two piecewise polynomial interpolants (with # the same set of independent data), doing n problems at a time. interp_two = make_pp(interp, kind="u", out="interp", num_dep_vars=2) sxr, txr, pxr = _xrs_in(S, T, P, vert_dim) # before _process_casts pin_cast = _process_pin_cast(pin_cast, S) # call before _process_casts S, T, P = _process_casts(S, T, P, vert_dim) eos, eos_s_t = _process_eos(eos, grav, rho_c, need_s_t=True) # Save shape of horizontal dimensions, then flatten horiz dims to 1D. surf_shape = S.shape[0:-1] N = # number of nodes (water columns) S, T, P = (np.reshape(X, (N, -1)) for X in (S, T, P)) # Update pinning cast to a linear index, unless already so if isinstance(pin_cast, (tuple, list)): pin_cast = np.ravel_multi_index(pin_cast, surf_shape) # Prepare grid ratios for matrix problem. distratio = grid["distperp"] / grid["dist"] # Pre-calculate grid adjacency needed for Breadth First Search edges = grid["edges"] graph = edges_to_graph(edges, N) if OMEGA_FORMULATION.lower() == "poisson": global_solver = _omega_matsolve_poisson elif OMEGA_FORMULATION.lower() == "gradient": global_solver = _omega_matsolve_gradient distratio = np.sqrt(distratio) else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown OMEGA_FORMULATION. Given {OMEGA_FORMULATION}" ) if eos(34.5, 3.0, 1000.0) < 1.0: # Convert from a density tolerance [kg m^-3] to a specific volume tolerance [m^3 kg^-1] TOL_LRPD_MAV = TOL_LRPD_MAV / 1000.0**2 # Pre-allocate arrays for diagnostics if diags: d = { "e_MAV": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=np.float64), "e_RMS": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=np.float64), "timer": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=np.float64), "ϕ_MAV": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=np.float64), "Δp_MAV": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=np.float64), "Δp_RMS": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=np.float64), "Δp_Linf": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=np.float64), "n_wet": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=int), "n_newly_wet": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=int), "timer_bfs": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=np.float64), "timer_mat": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=np.float64), "timer_update": np.zeros(ITER_MAX + 1, dtype=np.float64), } else: d = dict() timer = time() if p_init is None: # Calculate an initial "potential" or "anomaly" surface if isinstance(ref, (tuple, list)) and len(ref) == 2: ans_type = "anomaly" else: ans_type = "potential" # Update arguments with pre-processed values kw["vert_dim"] = -1 # Since S, T, P already reordered kw["diags"] = False # Will make our own diags next kw["eos"] = eos kw["pin_cast"] = pin_cast # update with the 1D value s, t, p, _ = _isopycnal(ans_type, S, T, P, **kw) else: # Handling and error checking on p_init p_init = xr_to_np(p_init) if not isinstance(p_init, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( 'If provided, "p_init" or "p_init.values" must be an ndarray' ) if p_init.shape != surf_shape: raise ValueError( f'"p_init" should contain a 2D array of size {surf_shape};' f" found size {p_init.shape}" ) p_init = np.reshape(p_init, -1) # now reshape to 1D if pin_p is not None and pin_p != p_init[pin_cast]: raise ValueError("pin_p does not match p_init at pin_cast") p = p_init.copy() # Interpolate S and T onto the surface # TODO: Update this to handle ice shelf cavity friendly interpolation s, t = interp_two(p, P, S, T, 0) pin_p = p[pin_cast] if np.isnan(s[pin_cast]): raise RuntimeError("The initial surface is NaN at the reference cast.") if ITER_MAX > 1 and isinstance(p_ml, dict): # Compute the mixed layer from parameter inputs p_ml = mixed_layer(S, T, P, eos, **p_ml) if p_ml is None: # Prepare array as needed for bfs_conncomp1_wet p_ml = np.full(p.shape, -np.inf) # p_ml = np.broadcast_to(-np.inf, (ni, nj)) # DEV: Doesn't work with @numba.njit else: # Ensure p_ml is 1D array, in case it was given as a 2D array. p_ml = np.reshape(p_ml, -1) # ensure same nan structure between s, t, and p. Just in case user gives # np.full((ni,nj), 1000) for a 1000dbar isobaric surface, for example p[np.isnan(s)] = np.nan if diags: d["timer"][0] = time() - timer e_RMS, e_MAV = ntp_epsilon_errors_norms(s, t, p, grid, eos_s_t) d["e_RMS"][0], d["e_MAV"][0] = e_RMS, e_MAV n_wet = np.sum(np.isfinite(p)) d["n_wet"][0] = n_wet if output: print( "iter |" " MAV(ϕ) |" " RMS(Δp) |" " # wet casts (# new) |" " RMS(ϵ) |" " time (s)" ) print( f"{0:4d} |" f" |" f" {d['n_wet'][0]:11d} |" f" {e_RMS:.8e} |" f" {d['timer'][0]:.3f}" ) vertsolve = _make_vertsolve(eos, ppc_fn, "omega") # --- Begin iterations # Note: the surface exists wherever p is non-nan. The nan structure of s # and t is made to match that of p when the vertical solve step is done. Δp_RMS = 0.0 # ensure this is defined; needed if TOL_P_CHANGE_RMS == 0 for iter_ in range(1, ITER_MAX + 1): timer = time() # --- Remove the Mixed Layer if p_ml is not None and iter_ > 1: p[p < p_ml] = np.nan # --- Determine the connected component containing the reference cast, via Breadth First Search timer_loc = time() if iter_ >= ITER_START_WETTING and iter_ <= ITER_STOP_WETTING: bfsqu, n_newly_wet = bfs_conncomp1_wet( graph.indptr, graph.indices, pin_cast, s, t, p, S, T, P, TOL_P_SOLVER, eos, ppc_fn, p_ml, ) else: bfsqu = bfs_conncomp1( graph.indptr, graph.indices, pin_cast, np.isfinite(p) ) n_newly_wet = 0 timer_bfs = time() - timer_loc # --- Solve global matrix problem for the exactly determined Poisson equation timer_loc = time() # Pre-sort the BFS queue: tests in both MATLAB and Python on OCCA data # show this gives an overall speedup for both Poisson and Gradient formulations. bfsqu = np.sort(bfsqu) ϕ = global_solver(s, t, p, edges, distratio, bfsqu, pin_cast, eos_s_t) timer_mat = time() - timer_loc # --- Update the surface (mutating s, t, p by vertsolve) timer_loc = time() p_old = p.copy() # Record old surface for pinning and diagnostics vertsolve(s, t, p, S, T, P, ϕ, TOL_P_SOLVER) # DEV: time seems indistinguishable from using factory function as above # _vertsolve_omega(s, t, p, S, T, P, Sppc, Tppc, ϕ, TOL_P_SOLVER, eos) # Force p to stay constant at the reference column, identically. # This avoids any intolerance from the vertical solver. p[pin_cast] = pin_p timer_update = time() - timer_loc # --- Closing Remarks ϕ_MAV = np.nanmean(abs(ϕ)) if diags or TOL_P_CHANGE_RMS > 0: Δp = p - p_old Δp_RMS = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(Δp**2)) if diags: d["timer"][iter_] = time() - timer Δp_MAV = np.nanmean(abs(Δp)) Δp_Linf = np.nanmax(abs(Δp)) # Diagnostics about what THIS iteration did d["ϕ_MAV"][iter_] = ϕ_MAV d["Δp_MAV"][iter_] = Δp_MAV d["Δp_RMS"][iter_] = Δp_RMS d["Δp_Linf"][iter_] = Δp_Linf d["n_newly_wet"][iter_] = n_newly_wet d["timer_mat"][iter_] = timer_mat d["timer_update"][iter_] = timer_update d["timer_bfs"][iter_] = timer_bfs # Diagnostics about the state AFTER this iteration e_RMS, e_MAV = ntp_epsilon_errors_norms(s, t, p, grid, eos_s_t) d["e_RMS"][iter_], d["e_MAV"][iter_] = e_RMS, e_MAV n_wet = np.sum(np.isfinite(p)) d["n_wet"][iter_] = n_wet if output: print( f"{iter_:4d} |" f" {ϕ_MAV:.8e} |" f" {Δp_RMS:.8e} |" f" {n_wet:11d} ({n_newly_wet:5}) |" f" {e_RMS:.8e} |" f" {d['timer'][iter_]:.3f}" ) # --- Check for convergence if ( ϕ_MAV < TOL_LRPD_MAV or Δp_RMS < TOL_P_CHANGE_RMS ) and iter_ >= ITER_MIN: break if diags: # Trim diagnostics for k, v in d.items(): d[k] = v[0 : iter_ + (k in ("e_MAV", "e_RMS"))] # Reshape (from 1D arrays) and put into DataArrays if appropriate s, t, p = ( _xr_out(np.reshape(x, surf_shape), xxr) for (x, xxr) in ((s, sxr), (t, txr), (p, pxr)) ) return s, t, p, d
def _omega_matsolve_gradient(s, t, p, edges, sqrtdistratio, m, mref, eos_s_t): """Solve the Gradient formulation of the omega-surface global matrix problem Parameters ---------- s, t, p, edges, m, mref, eos_s_t : See `_omega_matsolve_poisson` sqrtdistratio : array The square-root of the distance of the interface between adjacent water columns divided by the square-root of the distance between adjacent water columns. That is, `np.sqrt(distperp / dist)`, where `distperp` and `dist` are as in the `geoemtry` input to `omega_surf`. Returns ------- ϕ : ndarray See `_omega_matsolve_poisson` """ N = len(m) # Number of water columns ϕ = np.full(p.size, np.nan, dtype=p.dtype) # If there is only one water column, there are no equations to solve, # then the solution is simply phi = 0 at that water column, and nan elsewhere. # Note, N >= 1 should be guaranteed by omega_surf(), so N <= 1 should imply # N == 1. If N >= 1 weren't guaranteed (m empty), this would throw an error. if N <= 1: # There are definitely no equations to solve ϕ[m[0]] = 0.0 # Leave this isolated pixel at current pressure return ϕ.reshape(p.shape) a, b, e, fac, ref = _omega_matsolve_helper( s, t, p, edges, sqrtdistratio, m, mref, eos_s_t ) rhs = np.concatenate((-e, [0.0])) # add 0 for pinning equation # Build columns for matrix, including extra entry for pinning equation. # Note m[ref] is the reference cast, so the ref'th entry in the solution # vector of the matrix column corresponds to ϕ at the reference cast. c = np.concatenate((a, b, [ref])) # E = number rows in matrix. Round down ignores pinning equation E = len(c) // 2 # r = [0, 1, ..., E-1, 0, 1, ..., E-1, E] r = np.concatenate((np.tile(np.arange(E), 2), [E])) # When distratio = 1, v is [1, 1, ..., 1, -1, -1, ..., -1, 1e-2] v = np.concatenate((-fac, fac, [1e-2])) mat = csc_matrix((v, (r, c)), shape=(E + 1, N)) sol = lsqr(mat, rhs)[0] # Heave solution to be exactly 0 at pinning cast (to fix any intolerance # caused by lsqr converging before reaching the exact solution) sol -= sol[ref] ϕ[m] = sol ϕ = ϕ.reshape(p.shape) return ϕ def _omega_matsolve_poisson(s, t, p, edges, distratio, m, mref, eos_s_t): """Solve the Poisson formulation of the omega-surface global matrix problem Parameters ---------- s, t, p : ndarray Salinity, temperature, pressure on the surface edges : tuple of length 2 of 1D arrays See grid['edges'] from `omega_surf` distratio : array The distance of the interface between adjacent water columns divided by the distance between adjacent water columns, in the same order as `edges`. That is, `grid['distperp'] / grid['dist']` where `grid` is as input to `omega_surf`. m : array Linear indices to the nodes in order of the BFS, ie all casts in this connected component. That is, `m = qu[0:qt+1]` where `qu` and `qt` are outputs from `bfs_conncomp1` in mref : int Linear index to the reference cast, at which ϕ will be zero eos_s_t : function Function returning the partial derivatives of the equation of state with respect to S and T. Returns ------- ϕ : ndarray Locally referenced potential density (LRPD) perturbation. Vertically heaving the surface so that its LRPD in water column m increases by the m'th element of ϕ will yield a more neutral surface. """ N = len(m) # number of water columns ϕ = np.full(p.size, np.nan, dtype=p.dtype) # prealloc space # If there is only one water column, there are no equations to solve, # then the solution is simply phi = 0 at that water column, and nan elsewhere. # Note, N >= 1 should be guaranteed by omega_surf(), so N <= 1 should imply # N == 1. If N >= 1 weren't guaranteed (m empty), this would throw an error. if N <= 1: # There are definitely no equations to solve ϕ[m[0]] = 0.0 # Leave this isolated pixel at current pressure return ϕ.reshape(p.shape) # Get list of edges (a,b), ϵ neutrality errors, and geometric factors # for the current connected component containing the reference cast, and # map everything onto a set of N a, b, e, fac, ref = _omega_matsolve_helper( s, t, p, edges, distratio, m, mref, eos_s_t ) # Divergence of ϵ, # D = ∑_{n ∈ N(m)} ϵₘₙ # = ∑_{j=1}^E δ_{m, aⱼ} ϵ_{m, bⱼ} + ∑_{j=1}^E δ_{m, bⱼ} ϵ_{m, aⱼ} # = ∑_{j=1}^E δ_{m, aⱼ} ϵ_{m, bⱼ} - ∑_{j=1}^E δ_{m, bⱼ} ϵ_{aⱼ, m} # achieved by D = aggsum(e, a, N) - aggsum(e, b, N) # Prepare diagonal entries of negative Laplacian. For uniform geometry, # this simply counts the number of edges incident upon each node. For # rectilinear grids, this value will be 4 for a typical node, but can be # less near boundaries of the connected component. diag = aggsum(fac, a, N) + aggsum(fac, b, N) # Build the rows, columns, and values of the sparse matrix r = np.concatenate((a, b, np.arange(N))) c = np.concatenate((b, a, np.arange(N))) v = np.concatenate((-fac, -fac, diag)) # negative Laplacian # Build the negative Laplacian sparse matrix with N rows and N columns L = csc_matrix((v, (r, c)), shape=(N, N)) # Pinning surface at reference cast by ADDING the equation # 1 * ϕ[ref] = 0 to the ref'th equation. Note, m[ref] is the reference cast. # If the BFS queue (m) were not sorted, then ref == 0 and m[0] would be the # reference cast, since the BFS is initialized from the reference cast. L[ref, ref] += 1 # Alternative pinning strategy: change the mref'th equation to be 1 * ϕ[mref] = 0. # Then, since ϕ[mref] = 0, values of L in mref'th column are irrelevant, so set # these to zero to maintain symmetry. # Resulting output is same as above to many sig figs. # L[:, ref] = 0 # L[ref, :] = 0 # L[ref, ref] = 1 # D[ref] = 0 # Solve the matrix problem, L ϕ = D ϕ[m] = spsolve(L, D) # Fix machine precision errors by applying pinning condition exactly ϕ[mref] = 0.0 ϕ = ϕ.reshape(p.shape) return ϕ def _omega_matsolve_helper(s, t, p, edges, distratio, m, mref, eos_s_t): """ Compute ϵ neutrality errors and geometry on the list of edges in the graph that are between pairs of "wet" casts. Then, prune the list of edges to just these "wet" edges that are within the connected component containing the reference cast (whose linear index in the full space is `mref`), and remap all nodes (water columns) from being labelled (0, 1, ... ni*nj-1) for the entire 2D grid, to being labelled (0, 1, ..., N-1) where N is the number of wet casts in this connected component. The connected component is determined by `m`, which is a list of nodes in the label set of the full space, (0, 1, ... ni*nj-1). """ N = len(m) # `remap` changes from linear indices (0, 1, ..., ni*nj-1) for the entire # space (including land), into linear indices (0, 1, ..., N-1) for the # current connected component remap = np.full(p.size, -1, dtype=int) remap[m] = np.arange(N) # Select a subset of edges, namely those between two "wet" casts a, b = edges ge = (remap[a] >= 0) & (remap[b] >= 0) # good edges a, b = a[ge], b[ge] e = ntp_epsilon_errors(s, t, p, (a, b), eos_s_t) if np.isscalar(distratio): fac = np.full(e.shape, distratio) if distratio != 1.0: e *= fac # scale e else: fac = distratio[ge] e *= fac # scale e # Henceforth we only refer to nodes in the connected component, so remap edges now a, b = remap[a], remap[b] # Also remap the index for the reference cast from 2D space to 1D list of wet casts ref = remap[mref] return a, b, e, fac, ref