Source code for neutralocean.traj

"""Neutral Trajectory and related functions"""

import numpy as np
import numba as nb

from neutralocean.ppinterp import make_pp, ppval_1_nonan_two
from import make_eos
from neutralocean.fzero import guess_to_bounds, brent
from neutralocean.ppinterp import valid_range_1_two
from neutralocean.lib import _process_casts

def _func(p, sB, tB, pB, Sppc, Tppc, P, eos):
    # Evaluate difference between (a) eos at location on the cast (S, T, P)
    # where the pressure or depth is p, and (b) eos of the bottle (sB, tB, pB)
    # here, eos is always evaluated at the average pressure or depth, (p +
    # pB)/2.
    s, t = ppval_1_nonan_two(p, P, Sppc, Tppc)
    p_avg = (pB + p) * 0.5
    return eos(sB, tB, p_avg) - eos(s, t, p_avg)

[docs]def ntp_bottle_to_cast( sB, tB, pB, S, T, P, tol_p=1e-4, interp="linear", eos="gsw", grav=None, rho_c=None, ): """Find the neutral tangent plane from a bottle to a cast Finds a point on the cast salinity, temperature, and pressure `(S, T, P)` where the salinity, temperature, and pressure `(s, t, p)` is neutrally related to a bottle of salinity, temperature and pressure `(sB, tB, pB)`. That is, the density of `(s, t, p_avg)` very nearly equals the density of `(sB, tB, p_avg)`, where `p_avg = (p + pB) / 2`. Within `tol_p` of this point on the cast, there is a point where these two densities are exactly equal. Parameters ---------- sB, tB, pB : float practical / Absolute salinity, potential / Conservative temperature, and pressure or depth of the bottle S, T, P : 1D array of float practical / Absolute salinity, potential / Conservative temperature, and pressure or depth of data points on the cast. `P` must increase monotonically along its last dimension. Returns ------- s, t, p : float practical / Absolute salinity, potential / Conservative temperature, and pressure or depth at a point on the cast that is very nearly neutrally related to the bottle. Other Parameters ---------------- tol_p : float, Default 1e-4 Error tolerance in terms of pressure or depth when searching for a root of the nonlinear equation. Units are the same as `P`. interp : str, Default 'linear' Method for vertical interpolation. Use `'linear'` for linear interpolation, and `'pchip'` for Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomials. Other interpolants can be added through the subpackage, `ppinterp`. eos : str or function, Default 'gsw' The equation of state for the density or specific volume as a function of `S`, `T`, and pressure (if non-Boussinesq) or depth(if Boussinesq). If a str, can be any of the strings accepted by ``, e.g. `'jmd95'`, `'jmdfwg06'`, `'gsw'`. If a function, this should be `@numba.njit` decorated and need not be vectorized, as it will be called many times with scalar inputs. grav : float, Default None Gravitational acceleration [m s-2]. When non-Boussinesq, pass `None`. rho_c : float, Default None Boussinesq reference density [kg m-3]. When non-Boussinesq, pass `None`. """ eos = make_eos(eos, grav, rho_c) ppc_fn = make_pp(interp, kind="1", out="coeffs", nans=False) k, K = valid_range_1_two(S, P) # S and T have same nan-structure return _ntp_bottle_to_cast(sB, tB, pB, S, T, P, k, K, tol_p, eos, ppc_fn)
@nb.njit def _ntp_bottle_to_cast(sB, tB, pB, S, T, P, k, K, tol_p, eos, ppc_fn): """Fast version of `ntp_bottle_to_cast`. Parameters ---------- sB, tB, pB, S, T, P, tol_p : float See `ntp_bottle_to_cast` k, K : int `k` is the index to the first finite value in `S + P`. `K` is the index to the first NaN value in `S + P` after `k`. If `S + P` is all NaN, then `k = len(S)`. If `S + P` is all NaN or if `(S + P)[k:]` is all finite, then `K = len(S)`. See `neutralocean.ppinterp.lib.valid_range_1`. eos : function Equation of state for the density or specific volume as a function of `S`, `T`, and pressure or depth inputs. This function should be `@numba.njit` decorated and need not be vectorized, as it will be called many times with scalar inputs. ppc_fn : function Function that calculates piecewise polynomial coefficients, such as returned by `neutralocean.ppinterp.make_pp` Returns ------- s, t, p : float See ntp_bottle_to_cast """ if K - k > 1: # Trim data to valid range and build interpolant P = P[k:K] Sppc = ppc_fn(P, S[k:K]) Tppc = ppc_fn(P, T[k:K]) args = (sB, tB, pB, Sppc, Tppc, P, eos) # Search for a sign-change, expanding outward from an initial guess lb, ub = guess_to_bounds(_func, pB, P[0], P[-1], args) if np.isfinite(lb): # A sign change was discovered, so a root exists in the interval. # Solve the nonlinear root-finding problem using Brent's method p = brent(_func, lb, ub, tol_p, args) # Interpolate S and T onto the updated surface s, t = ppval_1_nonan_two(p, P, Sppc, Tppc) else: s, t, p = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan else: # K - k <= 1, so at most one valid data site. Can't interpolate that. s, t, p = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan return s, t, p
[docs]def neutral_trajectory( S, T, P, p0, vert_dim=-1, tol_p=1e-4, interp="linear", eos="gsw", grav=None, rho_c=None, ): """Calculate a neutral trajectory through a sequence of casts. Given a sequence of casts with hydrographic properties `(S, T, P)`, calculate a neutral trajectory starting from the first cast at pressure `p0`, or starting from a bottle prior to the first cast with hydrographic properties `(s0, t0, p0)`. Parameters ---------- S, T, P : 2D ndarray or xarray 1D data specifying the practical / Absolute salinity, and potential / Conservative temperature, and pressure / depth down a 1D sequence of casts. The first dimension specifies the cast number, while the second provides data on that cast; e.g. `S[i, :]` is the salinity down cast `i`. p0 : float The pressure / depth at which to begin the neutral trajectory on the first cast Returns ------- s, t, p : 1D ndarray practical / Absolute Salinity, potential / Conservative Temperature, and pressure / depth along the neutral trajectory. Other Parameters ---------------- vert_dim : int or str, Default -1 Specifies which dimension of `S`, `T` (and `P` if 3D) is vertical. If `S` and `T` are `ndarray`, then `vert_dim` is the `int` indexing the vertical dimension of `S` and `T` (e.g. -1 indexes the last dimension). If `S` and `T` are `xarray.DataArray`, then `vert_dim` is a `str` naming the vertical dimension of `S` and `T`. Ideally, `vert_dim` is -1. See `Notes` in `potential_surf`. tol_p, interp, eos, grav, rho_c : See `ntp_bottle_to_cast` """ eos = make_eos(eos, grav, rho_c) ppc_fn = make_pp(interp, kind="1", out="coeffs", nans=False) S, T, P = _process_casts(S, T, P, vert_dim) nc, nk = S.shape # assert(all(size(T) == size(S)), 'T must be same size as S') # assert(all(size(P) == size(S)) || all(size(P) == [nk, 1]), 'P must be [nk,nc] or [nk,1]') s = np.full(nc, np.nan) t = np.full(nc, np.nan) p = np.full(nc, np.nan) # Loop over casts for c in range(0, nc): Sc = S[c, :] Tc = T[c, :] Pc = P[c, :] k, K = valid_range_1_two(Sc, Pc) if c == 0: # Evaluate S and T on first cast at p0 Sppc = ppc_fn(Pc[k:K], Sc[k:K]) Tppc = ppc_fn(Pc[k:K], Tc[k:K]) s[0], t[0] = ppval_1_nonan_two(p0, Pc[k:K], Sppc, Tppc) p[0] = p0 else: # Make a neutral connection from previous bottle to the cast (S[c,:], T[c,:], P[c,:]) s[c], t[c], p[c] = _ntp_bottle_to_cast( s[c - 1], t[c - 1], p[c - 1], Sc, Tc, Pc, k, K, tol_p, eos, ppc_fn, ) if np.isnan(p[c]): # The neutral trajectory incropped or outcropped break return s, t, p